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keyword research: Understand the search intent in 2024

whenever we talk about keyword research most of the time we forget about the main point of keyword research that has been done. A search intent is very much important to understand for a digital marketer in order to do a effective keyword research in 2024.

Keyword intent / search intent

at first we need to understand the intent behind the search. a customer has a intent on his/her mind for a particular Query or keyword. we can categorize them in 6 ways:

  • General query: customers can Search for a general query in the search engine result page. Like: plumbing.
  • Informational keywords: a search query has been made for having a piece of information. Like: how to get a plumbing service?
  • navigational keywords: navigational keywords or branded keywords are one of the most common search intent now a days. like: plumbing costs
  • commercial keywords: when a searcher is searching for something on a greater interest. like: best plumbing service
  • transactional keywords: transactional keywords are the Keywords that have buying intents. like: buy plumbing services now.
  • geographical/local keywords: thses keywords are based on a geo or a locality based. like: plumbing services in italy

so you need to understand the search intent of the customer in order to research the keywords and get organic traffic for your website to gain higher ranks on search engine result page.

keyword forms

during keyword Research we also need to understand the various forms of keywords.

  • head/seed keyword: these are single word keywords with a high search intent and high search volume, These keywords falls in the top of the funnel and falls in the awareness stage. like: plumbing
  • body keyword: these are 2-3 word keywords which has a Medium Intent with a moderate search volume, these keywords falls in middle of the funnel and lies in the consideration Stage. Like: 24/7 plumbing services
  • long tail keywords: theses keywords are often long and more search intent found in this types of keywords whose conversion rate is much higher then Others. Like: plumbing services within 10$
  • lSI Keywords: there are some keywords those are known as LSI or latest semantic index keywords or as close as long tail keywords.

how to conduct keyword research in 2024

there are multiple ways to conduct a keyword research. Find the ways below

  • use your own brain
  • auto search in google
  • related search
  • people also ask section
  • google image section
  • google trends
  • answer the publc
  • competitors analysis
  • paid tools- Semrush/Ahrefs
  1. Use your own brain you need to use your own brain to find the keywords, you need to search from a customer point of view what they could have been search in search engine.
  2. google auto search you can find keywords from google auto search results. if you search with a term then you will find other searches or keywords in the auto search.

here you can see, we search for real estate and google is showing other auto search options like real Estate websites. what is real estate etc. so you can take some keyword ideas from this auto search features.

3. related search like auto search google also provides related search options in the bottom of your search engine result page from where you can take some useful keywords for your business.

you can select other related keyword from this list also.

4. people also ask another way of keyword research can be done with the hep of google’s people also search section from where you can take some keyword ideas.

keyword research

5. google image you are thinking how you can find keyword ideas from google image right? don’t worry, its a simple task to complete. Go to google and search with your keyword and go to the google images section, here you will find a of categorical terms or keywords and you can add those in your keyword list.

keyword research

6. google trends go to and type your keyword. We will find the day/monthwise trends of your intended keyword in the graph

keyword research

7. answer the public you can get search term or keywords ideas from answer the public also.


semrush is one of the most popular tools now a days for keyword research. you can research your keyword, find the search volume, competition level and many more with this amazing tool.

use competitors keywords by using semrush

select any of your competitor, go to semrush and paste the url of that website

keyword research

here it will provide you a keyword list, use those list in your final excel sheet or google sheet.

keyword research

you can find the

  • keyword
  • intent of the keyword
  • position
  • serp feature
  • traffic
  • traffic %
  • volume
  • keyword difficulty ( KD )

prepare the final keyword list

once you have all the Information’s, prepare a final excel sheet or google sheet with low, medium and high search volume keywords and try to put those keywords in your meta title and meta description. If you have some long tail keywords try making some unique blog contents with those blog articles to rank higher in the search engine result page.

that is why a keyword research should be done keeping the search intent in mind.