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Facebook conversion api with google tag manager

In this article we will discuss facebook conversion api set up with google tag manager.

The process includes:

  1. Creating a server container
  2. Creating a container in
  3. Connect stape container url in server container
  4. Set up conversion api template in server container
  5. Debug with both web and server gtm
  1. Create a server container

At first you need to create a server container in google tag manager account, you have to remember that you must have to have a web container.

  1. Create a container in

   Now you have to create a container in, go to com and create a container by putting your container name and manually triggered url that you have set up from server container.

You can choose the free plan in stape account or if you have enough budget then you can buy a pro plan with 20 dollars.

  1. Connect stape container url with Server container

       Copy the stape container url and paste it to server container admin panel url

  1. Set up fb conversion api template

Go to template and find fb conversion tag template, put fb pixel, api token and test event code in it and in trigger section make a custom event trigger and point it to ga4 client.

  1. Debug with web and server gtm

       Now test in web and server gtm and you will find that the fb api tags are fired properly