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Facebook ads manager tutorial a to z in 2024

Facebook ads manager tutorial a to z in 2024

Do you know facebook is the most popular social media platform with over 3 billion active users as of january 2024. So you can understand how powerful facebook marketing is. In this article we will discuss facebook ads manager tutorial a to z for in 2024.

What is facebook ads manager

Facebook ads manager is an ad management tool of facebook known as meta nowadays by which marketers can target their ideal customer in an easy way.

facebook ads manager
  1. How to create a an account

At first you need to create a ad account:

Log in to and go to ad account section

facebook ads manager

Then create a ad manager account if you don’t have one

Give yur ad account a name, select your time zone and currency, here we have selected asia/dhaka and selected the currency as us dollars.

facebook ads manager

You can add payment info later so don’t worry about that.

If you create this ad account for your business then select that or you can select for your client if you work for an agency or a service company.

You can select to whom you want to give permission and to what extent for your newly created ad manager account.

facebook ads manager

Congratulations , you have created your ad manager account successfully, you can add payment information later if you have a dual currency debit/credit card, paypal account etc.

  1. How to use ad manager account

Your ad manager account will look like this, now you have to click open in ads manager from the right upper side

facebook ads manager

After hovering to the ad manager account you will find the section quite similar like the image below where you can find your ad account id.

facebook ads manager

As we haven’t created any ads that’s why nothing is there. Once you run ads you will see the data in this section. 

An ads constitute from 3 section


2. Ad sets

3. Ads

2.a. Campaign set

facebook ads manager

If you want to create a campaign click on create and it will ask you to select your campaign objectives. There are 6 campaign objectives in a campaign:

  1. Awareness
  2. Traffic
  3. Engagement
  4. Leads
  5. App Promotion
  6. Sales
facebook ads manager 2024

You can choose your ad campaign accounting to your business goal. If you are new then you should focus on awareness or engagement campaigns otherwise you can go for leads or sales conversion campaigns.

2b. In a campaign set you need to give your campaign a name, your naming convention should be easy to remember so that you can find your ads in future.

facebook ads manager

In the campaign details section you can select if you want to do an A/B test for your campaign or if you can run an advantage campaign optimization ( ABO ) campaign. Then click next to go to ad sets

facebook ads manager

2c. In the ad set you have to make the naming convention easy to remember for your future campaigns. 

facebook ads manager

You can choose your performance goal whether you want to maximize your reach or increase your video view or any other optimizations.

2d. Then you have to select your budget. You can select daily or lifetime budget as you want. Then you have selected a date range of your campaign, it can be for 7 days or even 60 days.

facebook ads manager

2e. In the audience section you can select your audience.

Audience are of 3 types

  1. Custom audience
  2. Lookalike audience
  3. Saved audience

We have a detailed blog on this topic. Click here

2f. Then you have to select 

  1. Location
  2. Gender
  3. Age
  4. Detailed targeting
  5. Language

2g. Then you have to select your placement where your ads will be served.

Placement are 2 types

  1. Advantage placement
  2. Manual placement

If you choose manual placement then you can select in which specific placement you want to serve your ads

facebook ads manager

2h. You can make a list of block list and tell ads manager to refrain from showing ads to those 

2i. In actual Ads sections you need to set up ads

facebook ads manager

You can ads image/video/carousel whichever is convenient for you depending on your data analysis from past campaigns.

2j. Then you needs to ad your primary text with text variations

facebook ads manager

You can add event tracking if you have pixel set up in your ad account. Then you need to click publish and your ads will be in review and if everything is ok then it will publish within 24 hours.

Sometimes it takes more time so don’t worry, check your ad account dashboard and plan accordingly.

So from this detailed article we can easily understand facebook ad manager tutorial a to z in 2024 for your business.