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Google ads audience targetting in 2024

When you think about google ads the first thing comes to your mind is keywords. But most of us forget that google ads audience targeting is more important rather than the keywords. Because showing ads to the audience based on who they are is more important than what they are searching for.

In this article we will discuss google ads audience targeting is 2024.

Google ads audience targeting in 2024

1.1. Log in to your google ads account, create a campaign and from the ad set setting select targeting

1.2. Select add targeting from this section ( audience segments )

1.3. From the audience segments we will find the audience types there

The audience types are

  1. Detailed demographics
  2. Affinity
  3. In market and life events
  4. Your data segments
  5. Combined segments
  6. Custom segments

Now we will discuss in detail about the different audience segments.

2.1. Detailed Demography

Like facebook ads, google also has detailed demographic targeting options. You can target deeper based on life stages

Like parent, married.unmarried, single, homeowners, renters etc

2.2. Affinity/interest based audience

You can target based on the audience interest or habits or hobbies. Like they can be avid readers or green living enthusiasts. These are the audience you can target for a brand awareness campaign.

2.3. In market segments 

In market segments are those types of audiences that are ready to make a purchase or already making a decision. These types of audiences are great for conversion campaigns or a sales campaign.

For example, purchasing a home, these types of audiences are already purchased a home or they will purchase a home soon. So as a real estate media buyer yu can target these types of audiences for your sales campaign.

2.4. My Data Segments

Those audiences are your key audiences because they already interacted with your assets like your website or your youtube.

If you create events through google tag manager and pass the events data to ga4 then you can target those audience through data segments in google ads campaign.

2.5. Combined Audience

You can create combined audience to find your perfect target audience

You can select either demography/ market audience and also can connect with your data sources combinedly. 

For example you can target all users who are interested in reading newspaper and narrow the audience by selecting your website visitors.

2.6. Custom segments

It can be consists of

a.Search based

b.URL based

C. App based

For example you can target the people who search the url of

Those are targeting audiences by whom you can target through your google ads campaign, select your audiences wisely and get a better result.