You are currently viewing Facebook ads Audience Targeting in 2024- A complete guide

Facebook ads Audience Targeting in 2024- A complete guide

Facebook ads audience targeting involves a group of people to whom you want to reach with your ads. Facebook ads now known as meta ads provide you the luxury of targeting a variety of people with its demographic, interest & behavioral targeting options. 

Facebook Ads continue to be a powerful tool for marketers, offering unparalleled opportunities for reaching and engaging with specific audiences. As we step into 2024, Facebook’s advertising platform has evolved, introducing new features and refined targeting options that enable advertisers to connect with their ideal customers more effectively. In this article, we will explore the latest advancements in Facebook Ads audience targeting, how to leverage them, and strategies for maximizing your ad performance in 2024.

Strategies for Effective Audience Targeting in 2024

1. Leverage Data-Driven Insights

Utilize Facebook’s advanced analytics and reporting tools to gain insights into your audience’s behavior and preferences. Analyze performance data to refine your targeting strategies and optimize your ad spend.

2. Personalize Your Ads

Create highly personalized ad experiences by leveraging dynamic content that resonates with different audience segments. Personalization can significantly improve engagement and conversion rates.

3. Test and Iterate

Continuously test different targeting options and ad variations to identify what works best for your audience. A/B testing helps refine your approach and enhance ad effectiveness.

4. Stay Updated with Trends

Facebook’s advertising platform is constantly evolving. Stay informed about the latest features, targeting options, and best practices to ensure you are making the most of the platform’s capabilities.

5. Prioritize User Privacy

Ensure compliance with privacy regulations and prioritize user consent. Transparent data practices build trust and help maintain a positive brand image.

Types of facebook ads Audience targeting

There are 3 types of facebook audience:

  1. Custom audience
  2. Lookalike audience
  3. Saved audience
  1. Custom audience

Facebook custom audience is one of the most powerful ad audience type in facebook. These audiences are already connected with your business, they are engaged with your facebook or instagram, or connected with your website through meta pixels etc.

1a. How to create custom audience

Go to your audience section and click custom audience

1b. Select your source

Now you have to select the custom audience source,

  1. Your source
  2. Meta source
Facebook ads target audience

These are the people who are already connected with your business or product.

Your source includes: 

  1. Website
  2. App activity
  3. Catalog
  4. Customer list
  5. Offline activity


For example if you have pixel installed in your website then you can create a custom audience through your website.

You can select all website visitors, or select website visitors for a specific pages or if you create any events in gtm then you can also target them.

Customer list

If you run a service business then you must have some leads in your store. You can upload the list and use them for your targeting.

Facebook ads target audience

You can include customer name, email address etc then meta will create a audience for you whom you can target from your ads manager.

2. Lookalike audience

We just created a facebook custom audience, now from those custom audience we can create facebook lookalike audience easily.

2a. How to create lookalike audience

Go to your audience section and lookalike audience.

Facebook ads target audience

Select the source of your lookalike audience, choose the region and choose what % you want to choose from 1-10%, the best practice would be 1% if you run a service business, but you can choose 2-3% for serving the ads better.

Facebook will try to find the audience lookalike to the source you have provided to facebook, sometimes the audience size is too low that is the reason the ads might not serve properly. So you should twerk it regularly depending on your business goal.

3. Saved audience

You can also use the saved audience features where you can create a audience, save the audience and target them in your future campaigns. 

3a. How to create a saved audience

Go to your audience manager and click the saved audience.

Facebook ads target audience

3b. Audience name

 Name your audience, here the naming conversion is very important, because when you launch a 60-70 ad campaign then its important for you to track which campaign is going on and which campaign ended a year ago.

3c. Now you need to choose your locations in which areas you want to reach through your meta ads

3d. Age and gender

You can select age and gender here according to your preferences

3e. Detailed targeting 

Here comes the most important part of audience setting that is detailed targeting. You can target on the basis of

  1. Demography
  2. Interest 
  3. Behavior
Facebook ads target audience

You can also target by narrowing the audience according to your ideal customer plan or known as ICP.

If you try to target your audience in a proper way then you need to analyze your audience data properly. Do you know we have an article on data analysis in facebook ad manager?

Check it out here:


Facebook Ads audience targeting in 2024 offers more precision, flexibility, and privacy-conscious options than ever before. By leveraging enhanced Custom and Lookalike Audiences, advanced interest-based targeting, privacy-first solutions, and localized ads, you can effectively connect with your ideal customers. Embrace these advancements to drive better results, optimize your ad campaigns, and stay ahead in the competitive landscape of digital marketing. Whether you’re a seasoned marketer or new to Facebook Ads, understanding and implementing these targeting strategies will help you achieve your advertising goals with greater efficiency and effectiveness.